Welcome visitor

Welcome visitor, whoever you are, perhaps you are coming in a good way…

You are in a kind of virtual clubhouse of scout, tourist, but also pioneer units, which in some way connected their lives with scouting. Whether officially or covertly, or simply in their activities, they were based on his principles and ideas. Every good clubhouse is full of things that witness remarkable events, expeditions to the unknown, smells like the smoke of campfires, looks behind the trampled kilometers somewhere beyond the horizon, to endless distances, or to famous places just behind the house, where it was always good to heart, because he was not there alone, but with such enthusiasts who understood him.

So come in and remember, maybe you'll find yourself somewhere. Or go even further and take a look under the bed, in the cellar, garage or attic, or in your computer, to see if there is a piece of yours stuck there, or a well-known history that you could dedicate to the SKAUTEUM website. Don't worry - just virtually, just send a photo and write a few words, somehow we'll put it together.

We want to address all enthusiasts who know and would like to participate in creating this site - improving the structure, design and, last but not least, those who can create their own posts with a camera, camcorder or dictaphone, while capturing current events or a reminder of past - in all corners of our country.

We also welcome any well-meaning advice, observation, recommendation or contact with people who could further improve this "clubhouse".

                                                                                                                                                                             S K A U T E U M

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